joi, 6 mai 2010

Story of Stuff

De pe :


The Latest

Making it happen with your help!

Last week, I released a video appeal on Facebook and on our blog asking for our community’s financial support of The Story of Stuff Project. Our community (you!) has responded so generously to my appeal for support, with over 300 of you giving nearly $15,000 on-line! Thank you, THANK YOU! Together with the nearly $15,000 in pledges we've received off-line, we're well on our way to meeting our $100,000 goal.
As you know, we’ve always offered our films, curricula, study guides and other resources for free to anyone around the world who wants them.
That’s a big part of the reason our Project has been able to reach nearly 10 million people with a compelling message about the impact our production and consumption patterns are having on the planet and on each other.
If you meant to give last week but didn't get to it, will you please consider a contribution today to help us clear the $50,000 mark by this weekend?
For more info, please read more on our blog or visit our donation page and make a contribution. Thanks so much for your support!


Link pentru donaţie .

Şi videoul .

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